Single Lacrosse Ball
Avoid the neck and low back!!! This can be done against a wall or on the floor.
Paraspinals: On the floor- place a lax ball at the top of the upper back. Apply pressure for a few seconds, rock back and forth, up and down and then move a couple inches down. Repeat as low as is comfortable only in the thoracic spine. In the mid back region, find a tight spot and hold, then raise the arm over your head and back down a couple of times. Repeat on the other side.
Subscapula: On the floor, rotate the upper back slightly so that the scapula is angled slightly and put the lower part of the scapula on the ball. Apply pressure for a few seconds, rock back and forth, up and down and then move a couple inches down or out to the side. Follow the muscle to the arm if possible and dig in along the lower muscles of the shoulder. You can use the softball here too.
Supraspinatus. On the floor, lift up the lower part of your body to apply pressure to the upper part of the scapula. Apply pressure for a few seconds, rock back and forth, up and down and then move a couple inches down or out to the side.
Avoid the neck!!
Paraspinals: On the floor-place the peanut at the top of the upper back. Apply pressure for a few seconds, rock up and down and then move a couple inches down. Repeat as low as is comfortable only in the thoracic spine. In the mid back region, find a tight spot and hold, then raise the arms over your head and back down a couple of times.
Pectoralis: Lay on the floor facing down. Place the softball or lax ball near the clavicle halfway to the sternum. Apply pressure for a few seconds, rock back and forth, up and down and then move a couple inches toward the shoulder. Repeat by placing the ball a little lower than you started and again go toward the shoulder. Roll your body away from the floor as youtube closer to your shoulder. Find the tight spots and hold for a few seconds and move on.