Are You Tired of Yelling “Fore”? Fear Not… I’m TPI Certified.

By Dr. Brandon Siegmund

November 17, 2015

Last week, I traveled to Dallas, Texas to take part in the TPI (Titleist Performance Institute) Certification program. The two-day course allows medical, fitness, and golf professionals to become certified in their respective areas in the process of analyzing not just golf swings, but the golfers themselves. The speakers at the seminar were Jason Glass, (TPI Strength Coach), Lance Gill (TPI Head Athletic Trainer) and Mark Blackburn (PGA Tour Professional). All were extremely knowledge, personable, and spoke on a level that was understood by the diverse crowd of approximately 135 people in attendance.

What happened at the seminar?

Upon arrival we were given a binder with over 200 pages of high quality information. An incredibly valuable resource, and something that I, and hopefully any chiropractor or golf enthusiast, will use for a lifetime. A brief introduction and overview were provided by along with an encouragement that all questions would be answered this weekend and that it was their goal to make sure each attendee was 100% prepared to utilize the knowledge learned, in the real world.

Next, we tackled the 12 most common swing faults. Even being a golfer for 20 years, I was still in awe of the things that I never knew about the golf swing. I feel like you could go to swing instructors for years and not even scratch the surface of what TPI taught in a few hours. Learning the best camera angles and the proper lines to draw when watching video of a golfer’s swing was invaluable.

Following the analysis of the golf swing, we got into the “bread and butter” of the certification which is the physical screening. We spent hours discussing and reviewing tapes of the different physical screens, along with what each of them can mean and predict in relation to the golf swing. They made the experience interactive by teaching a few screens, then having you stand up and perform screens with your peers.

But wait, there’s more…

By the end of the day, I had performed at least 5 screens, and of course had 5 screens performed on me as well. They stressed how important the repetition of the screening is and how we only get better with practice. The instructors made it clear that non one has ever passed all of the screens. As an instructor, you are encouraged to be picky and to closely analyze each test because even the slightest hindrance of one body part could potentially take several strokes off of your golf game.

Finally, we started into simple kinematic sequencing which is using computer technology to understand the golf swing and assure that all 4 parts of the golf swing (torso, thorax, lead arm and club) are working in perfect order. If one falls out of sequence, it could drastically affect one’s swing. There was a quick briefing on exercises by Jason Glass as well as encouragement to go through all of the exercises in the online material before prescribing to clients.

Why would a healthcare professional take this course?

The seminar is designed to not only put medical professionals, fitness professionals, and golf professionals under one roof but to unite them in forming a team of professionals capable of transforming the golf game of anyone. A TPI Certified Instructor believes that there is not one particular golf swing but a plethora of swings which each can be designed to be as efficient as possible for each and every golfer.

As a now certified TPI instructor, I am here to find the limitations of the body and form an exercise program to help correct these areas whether it be a bad hip, knee, wrist, ankle or shoulder to create an efficient swing to last 18 holes with no pain and better results on the scorecard. Are you ready to get started on the pathway to a better golf game? Then it’s time to get screened and preserve your body for yours to come on the links.

Do you need an evaluation of your golf swing? Contact our office at (713) 622-3300 for further information.

Dr. Brandon Siegmund

About the author

Dr. Brandon Siegmund was born and raised outside of Fort Worth. After he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Texas at Austin in 2006, Dr. Siegmund performed clinical research at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Click Here To Read Full Bio

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